Large lump behind one tonsil

Nodule On Tonsil
Raph's Tonsil Cancer - Home Page
Large lump behind one tonsil
Lump in throat sensation and swollen.
lump on tonsil - Respiratory Disorders.Large painful lump under arm - Women's.
All Lump on left tonsil messages - CTCA.
I am 34 and have an extremely painful large protruding lump under my armpit. I have never had anything like this every before. It is growing rapidly and now changing
Hi, I am 29 and have recenty noticed a lump like formation on my Left tonsil. I am in a country away from home country for 6 months work assignment.
I am a 33 year old female, non smoker non drinker. For a few weeks now I have had a very uncomfortable problem with my throat. It feels like there is something

Tonsil / Head and Neck Cancer Cancer.
Large lump behind one tonsil
Cyst in Throat Near Tonsils Hi all, I hope someone can help me out. In October of this year, I developed a feeling of a lump in my throat. Blood tests revealed no problems as did a neck x-ray.White Bump Behind Tonsil .